
Investment and Trading

In AFAK, we are looking to be the poineer in Commecrcial and Real-State investments reaching to very successfull investments.

AFAK Investment

AFAK for real-estate and commercial investments Ltd. Co. always seeks to invest in profitable fields (real-estate or commercial) and attempt to make use of investment opportunities, whether they are inside or outside Turkey.

AFAK Co. always seeks to find and create new true and fruitful partnerships with investors and companies to implant investment projects in the various fields.

AFAK Commercial

AFAK for real-estate and commercial investments Ltd. Co. provides the import and export services.

Exporting all Turkish products world-wide.

Importing the unavailable products in Turkey, in addition to raw materials.

Commercial Projects

 Our Projects are selected carefully. It is based on the most suitable and feaseable products in the market.





Company Address

Mall of Istanbul, offices plaza, floor: 22, office

No. 157, Başakşehir, Istanbul, Turkey.

Telephone Numbers

Telephone: +90 212 801 32 33

Fax: +90 212 801 32 31

E-mail and Website

E-mail: [email protected]

Web site: www.afakinvest.com